The wonderful rhythm of life

I’ve always loved the rhythmic nature of life. The ebb and flow. The natural cycles. But as time passes, I’m increasingly enamored with the beauty of the baked in “resets” in all of life.

A day ends, I go to sleep, and a new one begins. A week comes to a close and I get to try again. Months wrap up, as do the years, each one with its own opportunity to start again.

Marriages have anniversaries, everyone has a birthday, and school re-starts every fall. And speaking of fall, what about the seasons?

Fall is my favorite season but the others do play their part.

I like the rhythm.
I like the change.

I like the comfort of a fire and a sweatshirt as fall slips into winter. I feel the hope in the air as winter gives way to spring. I taste the excitement and possibility of summer and I enjoy the cleansing of everything the rain brings as the world turns every shade of stunning color all around me… every fall.

There’s a calm in the air as we’re forced to let up on the gas a little when daylight starts to wane and we’re all ushered indoors. Did I mention I’m partial to the fall? But I digress…

Even my work has a certain rhythm to it. I manage a team of mobile software engineers and we release updates to our app every few weeks. This means there’s a natural buildup to our ship date after which things reset and we start making our way to the next one.

A clean slate

Regardless of whether a day was good or this week was a success, I relish the chance to dive into the next one with a clean slate.

Ok, so the slate’s not entirely clean. We do have to deal with the repercussions, consequences, and loose ends created by the previous cycle.

Still, today is a new day, a new week, a new month. This is a new season, a chance to redefine who we are. The person we were is history and today we start becoming the future version of ourselves.

One step at a time.
One decision at a time.
One course correction at a time.

I often think of the Nicolas Cage movie “The Family Man” where he wakes up one day in an alternate life that might have been his, if it hadn’t been for some of the choices he made. I try to imagine myself as someone else dropped into my life, with the choices already made, my friends, family, skills, and story all established, and the future ahead of me, yet to be written.

What would I do?
What will I do?

That’s the question I’m faced with every day. And so are you, if you’ll stop and ask it. So why not start taking advantage of all the wonderful resets designed right into your life? They’re a free gift, yours for the taking.

Every year.
Every season.
Every month.
Every week.

And best of all, every single day!